gOIng baCK to........

hmmm...entry kali ni berbaur kekecewaan-ksbran-kehanginan thp petala 9...(thnkz hlovate 4 those metaphore)..reallly luv it...sngghla ak x phm..bknkah dgn menyenangkan urusan n memudahkan perihal orng len bole m'bahagiekan idop kte...dpt phale lg di+ dgn 4UU1 akn permudh'n urusan 70 kali gnde tp nape ye wujudnye juge mnsia yg sering kali memikirkan bgaimana m'buat orng sengsara????siyes...snggh ak x phm...papehal pn ak berdoa smoge 4UU1 tentukan yg terbek n dipermudhkan sgale urusan...amienn...btw,jst wanna story tht i'm heading to school back after 'bout a month on the break wif lots of suke-duki-brite-sensasi-spnjg-cuti...pasni..msk final year tuk degree plak..bergelumang ngan thesis-assignmnt-finalproject-praktikum-manusia dn sbgnye...m'buat'n ak trs tpk urusn dunie duniawi yg x sudah2 ni...slalu ak terleka,krn ia...byk juge urusan ukhrawi yg ak teralpa...moge 4UU1 ampuni ak...btw,chekgu aina...chaiyok2...ganbatte neh...fighting..n bittaufiq wannajah!!!

sTarting block...hohoho

skadar trial-n-error pd dri sndri whther ak bole istiqamah @ x mengusahakan "mende alah" ini..plng tidak.."patik" bermula as wht have been state in aunty Zabrina in her book(i do reallly luv it..bce 40 kali ulang pn x buhsan..)yg ak da simplifykanlaa..taking first step in achieving a goal is the power of success..huhu..mahap ye aunty,cedok ilmu sket...skadar perkongsian x brape ilmiah kt cni..ok then..on ur mark...get set...go..>since “patik” start blogging,eeeh x seswai gne since “patik” da start bce2,komen2,telek2 blog2 orng sblm ni…rsnye gne pktn typing in ths blog lby tepat..aha…smbng blk…since patik strt typing in ths blog during the sem’s break..so…patik decide to story ‘bout the act a.k.a tingkahlaku-mnghbes-wktu spnjg tempoh trsbt..hehe…smstinye stiap kali cuti…prog mengepam-mengecas otot2..eh slh..lmk2 sel tisu zalim-jht spy membntk kmbali akn rncak b’jln..huahua..ntohle ak ni…resolution bkn men ag..papehal pn…lu pkla sndri cheq aina ye..(mksd mndlm tuh)..since ths time is my lst long sem’s break as a trainee-T,ak decide tuk x melakukan act spt sblm ini iaitu m’buke kelas tmbahan terbuke ats hujah tertntu..kuikui…kononnye ak pk nk wat pe’el2 spt surfing bhn2 thesis(haha..trase koya seketike),khtam habes trs kitab mndarin(dgn pnh semngt jitu),kardio ex(sblm cuti lgni da bekobar2),sharpen skill “house-stairs”(wajibul stiap kali cuti),tinjau-travel-jln2(rht’n minda n jiwa yg pnh dgn kekusutn yg sengaje dicr) malngnye…ini yg berealiti..huahuahua.. surfing bhn2 thesis (brjye tp x brsnggh), khtam habes trs kitab mndarin(hahah..ni lg tokle bla..suku pn x abes psl ak 2ka prog jd khtam bk self-help berabuk besawang koleksi ayh-adeq-mak-ak sndri..haha).. kardio ex(ni ak cmbine ngn skill house-stairs2..tup..tap..pastila x jd…da ak yg berkoje..da tontu2 ak yg mengepam..haha..), tinjau-travel-jln2(hmm..yg ni sadis sket..psl tragedi lomdu blk raye arituh..trs cncel sume plan lancong2…sudanye…ak dok melagho area s’bn-kl shoppng dopping yg akhirnye smkin mengusutkan lg jiwa raga)..hadoiyai…btolla sayings yg kte “kite mnsia merancang,tp ALLAh juge yg menentukan”..btw..ak besyukr jgkla cuti ak ni lg skali berbaloi2 n sipi2 bermanfaat..psl ak plng bhgie bile dpt buat adk ak yg terchenta menchentai subjek ilmu hisab stelh skian lme memendam rasa kebencian akbt tindak-tanduk chekgu di skolanya yg *&###&&^*(haha..bior ak n die je yg phm) ..huhu..alhmdulillah.. ..nxt..let the pics talk..

Alhabib Islamic Web Service

Alhabib Islamic Web Service
aik...muahaha...actually.."patik" was accidentally click ths link..n suddenly..tup..tap..it comes 'ere..btw,i feel tht it's just fine..futhermore,the content is good n superb..plus with it's application...then...i've a decision to just...let it b laaa...@ bia' p la dia dok c2 dendiam...hehe...(d'nt know y,bt each time i type/write in eng..i find tht it's hard 4 me to "simplify the word"...rs cm kekok..tp klu tulih bhs ibunda sndri...bkn men sesedap rs oren ag nk ubah...aplaa km ni cheq..


salam alayk...just wanna write n type..inspired by ths quote which i read in one of the blog i followed silently make me contempt and tht's why also i strt ths..."If you would not want to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing"..by Benjamin Franklin...to all "pencinta bhs" out there..i do seek 4 thousnd's apologize as i might b a "penggondam bhs" 'ere..msh blajar utk berjinak2(fuh...finally found the word)...dgn dunia blog stlh skian lame mnjd "silent reader a.k.a follower" utk bbrp blog....amaran!!!blog ini buknlah perihal ilmiah sgt...skadar ceritera sesedap-rase-oren ak slme mampu...